ACBS members presented a small exhibit at Yoga Central in Canton Ohio this past weekend. Along with its many classes in Yoga, this new facility contains some prominent gallery space where it features local artists.
For this exhibit, we chose a number of bonsai that we believe reflected a yoga spirit. All but four were developed from throw-away material--trees and shrubs that otherwise would have been shredded or thrown into landfills. Of course, when recovered, they didn't look like they do now. Many were overgrown and diseased plants or even stumps.
Developing a presentable bonsai from such material typically is a five to ten year project. These once discarded trees, designed and trained by ACBS members have been given a whole new life as a bonsai. By doing so, most will outlive their caretakers.
The concord grape and two yews were torn out during building renovations. The spruce, scots pine, and large juniper were from construction sites. The arborvitae was taken out of a road ditch, and small cascade juniper was picked up on trash night.
For this exhibit also, we left out any reference to member names. It was just the trees themselves.
We hope the visitors enjoyed our exhibit.
We have posted a video tour of the exhibit on our
youtube chanel at this link, and hope our internet friends enjoy it as well.
Such a lovely exhibit, and it's so obvious that a lot of time, patience, and love have gone into keeping these trees alive and happy :-)