Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Randy Brings Buckeyes to ACBS

Randy's seed grown Buckeyes
by Michael Rusnak
At the ACBS May meeting our own Randy Pepper brought in a group of young buckeye trees that that he had raised over the past couple of seasons from collected seeds. 

Randy gave the buckeyes to members who were willing to give them a try. 

Several of the umbrella shaped three year seedlings
He discussed some of the experiments he has done with them, observing, for example how they respond to pruning along the trunk.  A few started look like cool and exotic literati projects.  

Though not a traditional subject for bonsai, the tall lanky growth pattern of Ohio's signature native tree might lend itself to the literati style at some point. It will be fun to see what people come up with and maybe have an Ohio Buckeye or two in one of our future exhibits.

1 comment:

  1. My bonsi tree stinks. I may have watered it to much,do you trim roots or know where I can take it to be serviced?
