Our club will have a month long display of tropical bonsai in the beautiful and spacious conservatory on the grounds from June 15th to July 14th. For the event the Stan Hywet greenhouse director Joe Mihalik created special stands of varying height from the trunk of a large spruce tree. The stands are arranged in three and five tree groups, and display the trees against the neutral sky background of the greenhouse glass. In addition the Gardens graphics department added signs with information and facts about the art of bonsai that were placed with each tree.
extended exhibit. Several tropical varieties are present, including several varieties of ficus, Brazilian rain tree, and Jaboticaba. Many trees in the exhibit are paired with miniature "mame" companion bonsai. In addition to the tropical bonsai, the club will exhibit a small number of pines and other winter-hardy species on two weekends when ACBS members will be present to talk with visitors and some demonstrate the process of creating a bonsai from raw nursery stock. Club members will be at the Stan Hywett conservatory on Saturday June 22 and Sunday June 23 from 10:00 to 4:00, and also on Saturday July 13th and Sunday July 14 from 10:00 to 4:00pm.
We invite all of our internet friends and members of the bonsai community to visit our exhibition.
Watch a short video tour of the exhibit on our youtube channel at this link.